Thursday 23 September 2010

What you need for a after party in East London!!

Hey all! I'm in the mood to write something funny! A bit different of the perfect and beautiful blogs which give you tips for a great look! ( nothing against my adorable blogger friends)...but it is just my mood of the day after seeing a lot of things at the LFW which i want to post it in here. Just feeling a bit lazy at the moment once i have to select the pictures out of the more than 200 that i took of the event! lol But honestly i think the subject bellow is a bit more important...kkkkkk

Here it go... some recipients of how to make a good after party in east and a example of some of the common elements...If you wanna make a good one you need to have at least one or two of those...Follow the steps...That is for my dickhead friends!! hehehe love you all!

1) A pack of tabaco for rolling cigarettes. After long hours parting no body can afford the normal ones anymore...

2) Secrets chats at the kitchen. Totally private...for a selected group at the party...

3) Flag prints are in fashion inside the east end boys' rooms....they kinda of can help them to hold it back the desire of getting naked already...still a bit early...

4) A collection of Pandas....because panda is a lovely animal!

5) a couple of history books...actually London is a multicultural place so is always good to learn a bit of other countries! That can help to keep it a conversation during the after...also speaking another language is a plus!

6) Classic of East London at the moment..a couple of Swedish at the corridor...(kitchen, bathroom, balcony...they are everywhere! lol) They should move the capital of Sweden to Shoreditch or Dalston. They are great people actually!Bloody Party animals!When i was back in Brazil and i used to think about Sweden i never could imagine how crazy the Swedish are...kkk

7) A bit of decoration in the a toy story style..where is the Ken?????? That is all i wanna know! Did anyone see it? That is why he had a pink car at movie...i always knew he was

8) 2 white cats death and gays...and one of them may run away to the street in the middle of the night...but don't worrie he will come back after one or two days. I remember very well when i used to look after them in my lovely previous flat in Shadwell...and instead of feeling grateful the cute devils used to piss in my bed...oh god!

9) A spontaneous naked scene... there is always a moment that it is not possible to hold it back anymore! Freedom!!! kkk

10) A gay guy feeling himself straight for one night...and sexy...very sexy as he never felt! What was that thing that your friend gave to you earlier?

And obviously a straight girl trying to hook up with a gay guy...classic too! Pretty much...i have been there many times! Which girl doesn't?? I hope my friend Mauricio Stein don't keep talking about it! lol

This is just some basics...just a trivial, nothing more. bye

Well leaving the trash things on the post i will show a bit of the menswear installations at the LFW.