Friday 24 September 2010

Back in the 90's at the weekend...

Hey Babes... The 90’s are back! I know that i said i was going to talk about the fashion week but i need to tell about the date that me and Mauricio Stein went to do the EXTRA job for the movie the Weekender at a “secret warehouse” at Shoreditch last week. He called me to go there and i thought why not? Easy money right? Hehe

First let me explain you about the British movie that will be on the screen next year. Manchester 90’s, two early 20’ boys start to organize the firsts underground raves in England. What was a sort of illegal parties becomes an absolute success within the London clubs and outrageous Ibiza plus the hedonic Amsterdam. But during their journey over the electronic scene they start to questioning their dreams and solid friendship. Well...that was what i could get. If you want to know more google it! Lol

But what i want to highlight here was the funny 90’s style which the stylist of the movie chose for the extras! Some was great but some was hilarious!

When we got there, after giving our names they gave us some kind of tokes that we could swap for some drinks, softdrinks and snacks. And then they made us wait ages to check out the while we were waiting we started drinking some ciders and got friends of a couple of girls from Liverpool at the smoking area.

We were nearly getting drunk and i was already best friend of the guy at the bar ( he was kind of cute but i bet he is gay anyway!) when they called us. The stylist said that i was too modern with my coloured tights and black jump suit....which i totally disagreed cause i was wearing a big shoulders jean jacket which was totally latest 80’s begging of 90’s. Anyway i had to get changed and she gave me a horrible tie dye jumpsuit...god! i can’t believe that people used to wear that to go to parties!!!

Walking around the set we were checking out the outfits. Some girls seemed to be really enjoying the thing with their short tops, high waist skirts, leggings and sun glasses! A perfect rave look. That reminded me when i used to go to some open air raves back in Brazil, and the good of the electronic back in the days was a bit like trance music! Disgraceful!!! Hahahha but we used to have fun spending tree or more days at the parties in a hippie junkie style

But the rave style from the movie was a bit different with some hip hop influences with the coloured trainings, the golden chains, the caps, the jumpers, the coloured socks and the accessories which you liking it or not it is valid to document in here. That can help to understand a bit of the 90’s. Obviously some of them was a bit exaggerated and fake as everything in life! Lol I was thinking...did people really use that at that time??

hahaha the good cassette!! That was really 90's must say!

I am not to sure if people would wear those socks with this trainings back in the 90's....i think it is a way too modern for that time!

Another classic from the 90's computers...well done!

Check it out the prints of those nerds’ jumpers! They were kind of cool! And made the nerds feel a kind of cool too... for one day! Hahahha

One of the girl that i met changing my outfit was just exactly the face of Malu, the girl that used to live in my first house in London when i first came with Luis. Later we found out that she was a prostitute.

The funny thing is that she was a picture of we could call of unsexy! Haha so how she could keep it the business up? We don’t know till now...well we moved out the house after two weeks of course.. and i never saw Malu again but the fact that the girl looked like her was kind of freaking me out! lol I tried to run away but she was chasing us as our best friend and i couldn’t be bad...She lend me a sock and gave me some cigarettes.

Those chives guys were also very excited! I think they still dress like this till some of those big festivals around England...and they think they are really cool! Hahaha I think the production called them to make the guys without t-shirt in the club scene! Disgusting.... and then people ask me why i like gayish guys.... that could be an answer.

Suddenly we saw some people having some food and we went to check it out the menu! That was the perfect dog’s food! And i thought that the food in a filming day would be a bit more glamours! hehe No... nothing glamours..

After convinced my friend from the bar to swap a water token for a cider we went outside to wait for the next scene and then we met Jack O’ Conell , “the star of the movie”, having a cigarette. Of course i went to ask him for a lighter. ( that is always a good excuse to start a conversation! Lol that is why i never bring mine to a party! Hahahaha).

He was cute as in the pictures and really nice...i asked him when that thing would finishes cause i was tired and he told me “ don’t tell me!” haha He said that he had a Brazilian girlfriend once....hahaha and i didn’t know if that was just a real fact or a lie to be friendly or even a lie to flirt with me...would be great the last option! Hahahaha

So we went for the scene at the set. That was a nightmare. The director played the electronic music and the crowd of 30 people had to pretend to be at the best rave ever dancing like party animals while Jack O’ Conell tried to get some drugs at the movie.

Some girls next to us was kind of pushing and squeezing chasing after the camera. I was feeling already claustrophobic in there! But was a way of fun me and Mauricio pretending been a couple to make up a hot scene ( as we did once for real when we first met at the trailer trash party 3 years ago.. lol)! Giving our best to them!

To be honest i enjoyed dancing during that whole afternoon what reminded me a bit of the Berlin’s club. Because that doesn’t happen in London.. having some parties in a club till 4 am everything finishes and you have to start a hard journey after a house party! Awful!

Then i asked to leave a little bit earlier cause i was late for my next an appointment...i took the last cider and i left! Bye!

Tags: The weekender movie, pear cider, 90’s, Jack O’ Conell, raves, Shoreditch Warehouse