Thursday 26 January 2012

I don't want to know about your perfect life and wardrobe!!

Hi Dear Fashion Lovers, Lunatics or just fanatics for information, internet and blogs!

I had a time away of the blog due to my commitments to other projects, but my passion for writing and getting in touch with people (in Europe or in Brazil) showing interesting things made me get it back!

Now i am in a process of reformulating the blog making it more interactive. But i promisse to keep up to date in the meantime with a lot texts and opinions! 

The plan is now write in both languages, English and Portuguese to get a approach to my dear people from Brazil..telling a bit of my London Life and things around me... The intention is not to spend time doing photoshop on pictures of obvious brands' collections which we all already now!! Or on pictures of myself to show how slim and pretty i am and how my Life is beautiful like the majority of the female bloggers! Please!! I want to talk about something different and inusitate! I hope you like it!!

Talk soon...

Oi Queridos Fanaticos por moda, internet, informacao e blogs!

Estive afastada do blog devido a outros projetos, mas a minha paixao por escrever e estar sempre em contato com pessoas, sejam elas da Europa ou do Brasil assim podendo mostrar coisas interessantes, me fizeram retomar a esta tarefa!!

Estou buscando reformular o blog fazendo com ele fique mais interativo! Mas prometo estar atualizando os posts enquanto isso, com muitos textos e opinioes.

Minha intencao agora e escrever em Ingles e Portugues, assim podendo me aproximar de pessoas e profissionais no Brasil, contando um pouco da minha vida em Londres e as coisas ao meu redor! A intencao nao e passar horas retocando fotos de colecoes de marcas obvias no photoshop...que todos nos ja conhecemos. Muito menos de retocar fotos de mim mesma para mostrar como sou magra, bonita e como minha vida e bela...como a maioria das blogueiras fazem! Por Favor...vamos falar de algo diferente! ( Desculpe pela falta de acentos...e que meu teclado e ingles e tenho que buscar um programa para instalar!!! ...o teclado e ingles mas ainda sou brasileira poxa!!)

Nos falamos logo,

Fe Melo

Friday 28 January 2011

Freddie Mercure Warehouse party is coller than you!!


Hi Lovely ones!

How is going your freak life???

Sorry for being away of the blog for a long know...holidays and staff...Berlin craziness..takes a bit of time to go back to the things and reality...i wish could be there forever!!

This time i want to tell you a bit of the coolness! The Shoreditch band which is cooler than get to know why!

In an unusual interview with Chaz John Ross i tried to understand what music is for the him !! And i went to his house just before his Warehouse party tomorrow to find out a bit more of the guys and what they are up to! The party promise to be dare as always...if you want to check it out ..come down around Hoxton street tomorrow and get yourself ready for a dirty fun and dress up atmosphere!

FF&PP: Let’s start with... what is the special twist about the coolness’ warehouse party in Shoreditch?

The main twist is that you get to see The Coolness perform!! Since last summer we've completely stopped playing in places like the Old Blue last and Barfly because of the
pretentious atmosphere that surrounds such places and it is not cool. There's only a few live other bands such fellow East Londoners Crystal Fighters which had enough fast and euphoric material to move a crowd in such an environment.
Also at Club Cool you won't hear the same genre of music all night like you would do in a lot of the minimal techno and dustup parties that use similar venues to us.

FF&PP: So how would you classify the coolness style?

We are an underground band and we always will be but we still use a pop song format as presentation. We use a lot of simple lyrics or arrangements, similar to dance music in our songs. I would say that is a mix of styles, mainly disco rhythms over a synthesised backing track. We have some cock-rock influence as most of the themes are sex and drugs based.
Basically we are a post-ironic mix of Early 90s pop-rave hit's and stadium rock theatrics and vocals.

FF&PP: In that case which bands and things are the influences and inspiration for the coolness?

The idea of something being described as having a certain amount of 'Coolness' factor stems from lack of inspiration.
I also enjoy some of the ideas that Beatles took onboard where each song was a story or evoked a certain image or character.
We are planning on releasing a record called 'Londonized' this year. It's about Cunts.

FF&PP: Talking about London life how do you see the music tendencies and trends around East London and Shoreditch at the present time?

It's gone a bit too high fashion to tell you the truth. Too many rich kids and business have moved into the area and the general sense of fun and DIY ethic seems to have been replaced by elitism and a basic self loathing and apathy.
If New Rave was Hair Metal then it's been killed by Drag which is the modern version of Grunge. All bullshit if you ask me!! There’s a lot of warehouse parties and house parties at the moment which is a reaction to this homogenisation .

FF&PP: So going to this parties and seen a lot of things why do you normaly like to write music about girls?

I have a slight sexual preference to females over males. I'm not interested to spend money so I have to make my own entertainment. Maybe each girl I've ever seduced is because I've crafted her own special song. I can't get laid unless I write a girl her own track. That is the deal!

FF&PP: All let’s get all what makes the coolness cooler than the others?

We are not cooler than any others. Why would I be in a band call 'The Coolness' if I actually cared about being cooler than anyone.
I should have called my band 'The Dickheads'. Recently we did consciously try to fuck with people heads by releasing a record that was titled 'IS' cooler than you. The Coolness is a living thing not a band. It's like saying a fish 'IS' fishier than you.

FF&PP: Going back to the beginning of the whole did the coolness start?

The name was actually thought up by an ex female lead singer 'Ms Texass' who now fronts a band called 'Unkindness of Ravens'.
She used to visit LA a lot and heard the term in the states. I guess we are part of the 'garage band revolution' - In the late 90s/early 00s the music software and computers became
affordable to home musicians/teenagers/upper working class people like myself. That's where most of sounds out there comes from . We are performers and songwriters above anything and we use programmes like logic and garage band to help us to produce, write and perform our material.

FF&PP: being one of this cool upper working class boy with a creative twist..when did you start being interested in music?

The day I was born John Lennon's 'Imagine' was number one in the UK singles chart. I come from a musical family and have been lucky enough to grow up around recording studios all of my life. My uncle did pop record in 1980s with the Fleetwood Mac producer
so I always knew about Atari STs and cubase and stuff. I actually thought all music was made on cubase/ataris and only listened to house until I watched The Beatles anthology
on TV during the Brit Pop era. I thought a guitar was something you'd overdub to make a track sound more interesting. Didn't even know what a band was for half of my life and know it is half of it and more...

To check it out the info of the party: get there early!!

For the band info check their myspace:

Friday 24 December 2010

another year's feelings...cliches of december...

above a lamp designed by Julia Violeta- Ventura Design-Brazil. Isn't it futuristic??

Hi Guys,

Missing writing in here my confessions and confidences about my life in London and things around me. lol Sometimes i feel like saying more than i should in telling everything which is in my mind...i may get rich if somebody publish that but i am afraid i may have to die after revealed it...hehehe cause may be dangerous living after that...hahahaha no...serious i am not exaggerating! lol

One day maybe i will have the balls to do it and fuck it all...hahaha
I still may be a bit away because i am going to Berlin for new years which is going to bring lots of things to talk about as usual. I probably will go to this new place in there called Renate. Apparently it is a very cool club in a old block of building ...which each room it is a different party with a great tecno music...a bit dirty ..the way that i like! lol
Ahhh i love can people find the german language rash...i find it sexy...when someone is talking to me it sounds like they are ready to put me against the wall...hahahaha Need to learn some and then i could live there when i would be bored of London...Luis and Maura are taking some classes...i should get in the mood but sometimes is too hard for my soft latin pronunciation...hahaha

Recently i have been to my friend's studio in Mare street for the Borba Margo sample sales! Such a nice accessories designed by Anderson Borba which i must show in here and you guys can find out how to get it! Don't even wanna get in details about it right now because i want to make a proper post about the brand. It deserves it. But..... i got depressed...first i found a amazing bag there know...some of those unique items...really nice...but i really couldn't afford getting it now...because i am going to travel and stuff...and i keep dreaming on the really cool ..will have to visit his studio again later. Second thing...i took amazing pictures of the hole collection to post it and use for some releases and i lost them when i was transferring to my computer couple of days ago....affff...stupid! i should be drunk by that time...i got so upset....anyway i always can go back there and do it again...but now next will be already a project for next year...another year...

Talking about another year... i watched "Another year", the new film by the english director Mike Leigh and i got terrified how deep is the story. It is a proper intimate drama about ordinary people's life. And the intriguing thing is...every one could have felt like that one day...lonely..and what is worse... with less than half of the age of the characters of the story. What apparently could be just one more ordinary happy family scene turns into a existentialism dilemma. Perfect to be on at this time of the year....when everyone is been taken by the end of the years feelings...

Tell me... who has never did any sort of reflexion about what needs to be done for the next...or about new projects and goals? I tend to do some lists of things which i want to put focus in ...hahaha long ones...some of the sentences are there year after year such as..." eat more health, stop smoking, do regular exercises, travel to such place, do such a course, find a terrific love..." hahahaha cliches of the end of the year....sometimes i couldn't manage to tick all of the plans out of my list and ...some other years i managed to tick almost all of them and some others which weren't even listed and i didn't expected to get it done! It is great when that happen! But one thing is truth ...just you can determinate how it will be your next years' December feelings! hahahaa

One thing i always tend to do during those xmass days...check my old friends from Brazil's pictures on Facebook which i don't see them for a long time and see what they are a sort of nostalgic curious habit...nearly voyer. lol I always end up finding people which i are doing amazing cool things...things that i like because It could be a common interest... things that i like it because i don't know anything about it and i want to get know is great!! I always had creative friends and a lot of my inspiration comes from them. I like to be surrounded of creative people...that what makes me feel alive and maybe that is one of the reasons which brought me to London.

Talking about creative people, old friends, and accessories...i found my friend from high school, Julia, which we used to spend long afternoons together after classes, eating sweets, watching movie, drawing and talking about life and making plans! She is now designing a lot of things made from glass...even items for decoration or even bracelets in her studio ventura design. I love it! Had to tell her...
Anyway i am writing to much...this is becoming a diary which had no intention to be at the first...well why not? I guess autobiography is in vogue now lol and people love reading them...hahahaha But i actually always said bad things about people who put their hole life online...too much....but i guess sometimes you let it go...maybe because i am alone now in the office...bored...when no body is here anymore for today...and i am just waiting for the time to go and have a nice xmass!
Happy xmass everyone!!!

Bracelets by Ventura design- Brazil. ps: i love the tattoos too Julia...thau!

Monday 13 December 2010

New Fanny and Jessy video! Love it!

FANNY AND JESSY SS11 from danny sangra on Vimeo.

I just received in my e-mail the new video for Fanny and Jessy collection. I loved the background tune and the clothes so i decided to post here to share with you guys.


ps: Sorry if i been away recently...busy time...promise come back with new posts always of new freak stuff!!! lol

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Learn how to make a outfit using a bin bag!!!

Hey guys don't you think this is a London style?...a vest made from the trash...recycle yourself and your style and use your creativity for your night's looks... thau

Saturday 6 November 2010

Allegoricall winter...Fashion is art and creations!

Viktor Rolf 2010/2011

Alexander Mac Queen 2010/2011

Because we like the street looks but also the sophistication and glamorous of the high fashion too. Specially when they bring something new and futuristic with influences from the Victorian style bringing together the classic and the future trough innovations. I love those two outfits above! I could perfectly walk down Liverpool Street in the middle of the offices and get in a red bus dressing the Viktor Rolf outfit! You? Something casual... lol Thau!

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Hallowen outfits!! Let your freak side out!

Hey guys for sure Halloween is a time to let your freak and obscure side out! lol This year we celebrated the date together with two of my friends b-day! Mauricio Stein and Maura Furtado. Both great personalities! And the idea was to bring to the party not just all those cliche fake bloods but also all the memories of some of the most dark, cool, dare, junkies and suicidal rock stars of all the time. We quite identify ourselves with some of them, right guys? Who never wanted to be a rock star one day?? hehehe A part of that those memorable idols always had great and creatives styles which still make a lot of influence in our Fashion at the present moment such as bits of the punk, grunge, metal, sexy, kinder whore. Some characters who some people would never remember about in that date were considerated by us a example of horror outfit due their freak behavior! Dressing up as vampires, witches and mummies are kind of old fashion now!! You need to rock a bit more and get on your creativity!

Above a great picture of Gene Simmons from the Kiss (Luis Falconeri), Sebastian Bach of the Skid Row (Mathyas Autin), Axel Rose of the Guns n Roses (Mauricio Stein), the skin head of the movie "This is England" hahaha (Franco Peccin). So let's have a rock n roll Halloween!!

Maura was getting in a overdose as Courtney Love - the Kurt Cobain's junkie girlfriend. Hahaha i don't know if i should admit this in here but i think the character kind of suits her very well! lol

Attention...the baby pink color is back...i love the romantic atmosphere of the case of Courtney...she had a freak romance...who hasn't??

Attention to the girl on the friend Lucy. Her black outfit was all made of black binbags. Very dirty, trashy and style! Was looking great and very creative! Shame that this picture doesn't show the hole thing very well! Cool Lucy!

As i have already thought....dressing as Amy Winehouse or as Lady Gaga could be a perfect Halloween outfit! The intention is to scary and shock and i think both of them are good on it! Don't you agree???

And in the middle of the rock n roll Halloween some people we couldn't tell if they were dressing up or if they were just like the case of the crowd was a bit difficult to tell! hahaha

And bellow joining the picture Madonna in two versions ...(Carmela Peccin) in the middle..perfect dressed as the singer in the VMA 85 and on the right hand side ( Eda).

I still have many other pictures of some embarrassing moments...some was censored and others i still want to

I am not in those pictures cause as normal i got there late and i am in my camera's pictures...which could take as the rock in roll Halloween....part don't worry some people didn't escape yet! lol

On Sunday Me, Luis and Mau went to Maura's to help to clean the house ( that's the bad part of the house parties). Luis showed to us great skills as a cleaner and kind of coordinated the team. We managed to clean all in the middle laughs and jokes...yeah was a great weekend...and guess what???? We found a used condom in the garden!! hahahaha what a naughty obscene kids! lol
But the carpet was still black! Does Anyone know a special carpet cleaner company's number???

After spending the evening at Eda b-day's dinner i forgot my camera in Mauricio's place when i went to sleep in the middle of him and Luli .. the way that i love! lol

Still couldn't be able to pick up as i am having a busy you guys will have to wait to see who else has been in the Maus and Mauras 30's b-day/Halloween party.

By the way....the pictures above are by Mathyas Autin! Credits to him....

Thau! And i hope u guys had a terrible and horrible Halloween!!!

Thursday 21 October 2010

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Getting bargains over the sunday!!

Me, Mauricio and Franco were walking around during a hangover Sunday and we found this very curious market around Pimlico with little bargains. Mauricio wanted to surprise Luis (his boyfriend) with a small gift...and we found this charming leopard chair which i found really cute..we thought " Luis would love to seat on it to do his work in front of the computer...) kkk a piece of glamors in his room!"

so... we went back to Mauricio's and left the present there for the next day when Luis would be coming back from Berlin...hope he likes it! Thau!

Vogue is made of old lesbians women which don't know anything about fashion!!!

Boy George was probably right by that time and ever i think!!! What he said in the middle of the 80's we can still adapt to our present moment! Let's be ourselves! Fuck the fashion rules! kkk Thau!

ps: not that i have anything against lesbians...specially me which walk very often into the gay scene! But i found funny his sentence...and i find the vogue really boring at the moment....

How many dick heads can you fit in a Honda???

Hello guys!! If you want to be cool get on your Honda for a weekend time with your friends. What you need it is a bit of style, some booze, a Polaroid camera and some candies...heheheh so good this advert.. thau!

Friday 15 October 2010

Cute sweet things around....

Let's show some cute and girly things ... i must admit that i have my girly days sometimes and i like the style...because we also can be sweet

Love hair bands...any different types...they give a plus to the outfit a part of been super feminine. Those vintage styles with flowers and feathers it is a glamour and a trip back to the 40's , 50's, 60's!

Sooo cute that ted bear necklace.....on the lace outfit!

And outside the shop i loved this bench...wanted to take home! Or i can make the same style in my kitchen table if my flatmates allowed me! hehehe...thau!

Andy Warhol of the electronic scene!

Larrys Tee's B-day was all about dancing....and fuck everything! The celebration of the charismatic and irreverent NY's dj was a kind of meeting for many characters of the night as usual! The LFW's photographer Billa photostream was there registering all the weird and freak styles.. Same as

What we could see was a group of normal people in a normal London's sunday....hahahaha For sure Larry knows what to play to get the crowd shaking and smashing!

To get to know more about the NY Dj now living in London check

Larry was called by the DJ magazine as the "Andy Warhol of the electronic music" in 2009. Maybe because of his attitude on stage and his relation to the fashion scene and people.

He promised to give me an interview for here and the Pura magazine which i am elaborating but for now....

A bit of Larry...

"One of NYC's most legendary DJs, Larry Tee, created the term 'ELECTROCLASH' for his historic festivals of the same name, started the party DISCO 2000 that was featured in the movie 'Party Monster", DJ'ed alongside Larry Levan, and has just been certified gold with his new single 'Licky' which features Princess Superstar, Santigold, and Top 40 pop star Shontelle. His Electroclash Festivals and his club nights in Brooklyn featured the Scissor Sisters, Felix Da Housecat, 2 Many DJs, Tiga, Peaches, and James Murphy from LCD Soundsystem.

Larry has also been on fire of late as a remixer, putting his go-to touch on smashes by La Roux, Crookers feat. Róisín Murphy, Lady Gaga, Kele, and Major Lazer. Touring his new album 'CLUB BADD' out worldwide on ULTRA, he has been supported by DJs like Justice, Erol Alkan, Crookers, Pete Tong, Jesse Rose, David Guetta, MSTRKRFT, and the songs have been remixed for an upcoming collection CLUB BADDER by Afrojack, Sébastien Léger, Hervé, Bart B More, Kris Menace, and Steve Aoki to name a few.

How everything started.....

But Tee's experience goes back further to the 80s when he lived in Atlanta and became friends friends with Athens' stars Michael Stipe from REM and the B-52's. In the 90s he wrote the Billboard Magazine #1 Dance song of 1992 by RuPaul (now a TV star in the USA), DJ'ed with Frankie Knuckles, David Morales and Danny Tenaglia at the Roxy, Palladium, and Love Machine, started the legendary Disco 2000 party at Limelight (which was the first club to feature techno on the main floor in the States), and launched Twilo Fridays which introduced Sasha & Digweed and Carl Cox to the big room clubs in NYC. In the 00s he launched Electroclash and put out 3 genre-defining albums that featured many of his own songs, and he helped launch the electro craze with his festivals in NYC and Europe. His debut album, Club Badd, has been embraced by clubbers around the world, and he is touring non-stop before his next album of collaborations comes out in 2011. His latest single "Lets Make Nasty," with its Afrojack remix, spent 5 weeks at #1 on Beatport earlier this year" via

.. ..

Read more:

And we had fun and i met so many interesting people....

Haha i always need to have pictures of shoes in my posts! I am getting a bit obsessed now! The truth is the shoes says a lot of a person and i love the different styles!

Let's show art....

Bellow my new NY friend the documenter Megan Mantia. She looked like she didn't just paint her face but that she was all painted by an artist. She was a great picture!

We talked and shared some interests and she promised sending me some more material of her work and she was telling me how is NY city lifestyle ...she said " come over anytime"...i loved it because of course the city "which never sleeps" it is on the top of my list...and i need to get it done soon!

NY people in London....that's what Larry brought to the town! and the punk are back!!

And the night was full of irreverence, boldness and flamboyant people...

Shoes again...Black and white...a classic!

The singer of the band Coolness, the shoreditch boy Chaz John Ross. Check their myspace for more information

My friend Radek Dubinski . He is a must everywhere and have a night with him is a guarantee of fun, comic and dancing...lots! He is such a kinky guy...hahahaha and he is always surprising due his outfit's irreverence.

And my lovely little Swedish friend, C.Gordon Feltham. He is so elegant always even if when he wants to play any character.

and...kiss my ass! Thau!

Looking for a winter jumper around east London!

Hello guys,

as the weather is going to start freezing our bones i thought could be the time to get on the winter jackets and jumpers. A part of the new styles or collections....the good classic vintage always works in this cases. I personal love it anyway. Furs...Furs...furs...furs...lots! calm down ....they are fake! Fake furs! lol yeah in case of real furs you got to be careful with the activists! I never forget when the brazilian top model Gisele Bundchen nearly got attacked for been wearing one in America! Anyway let's not discuss this polemic in here because i know some people love to wear a good real fur and i don't intend to make anyone to feel guilty...i don't feel able for that...i have my own guilt...

So i went to search for a nice jumper or knitting sweater because a part of warm they can be very style in different colors! They can be wore with trousers, leggings, shorts, tights or simple as a dress in case of the oversized ones.

I love this in front of the Brick Lane shop! hahahaha as they told us already in that video which takes the piss out of the east london boys... definitely you need a military moustache!!!! To be honest i find quite charming by the way....

Pick one! With stripes, chess, leopard, black, brow, white....

Those two were my favorites findings! I like the pink one. It is a strong lively color.

And the black and white with golden embroidery details is a kind of sophisticated and could be wore on its own as a dress! I ended up not buying anyone because i still need to get ridded of my ones from the last winter and be able to fit any new shopping in my wardrobe. The problem with those jumpers is they take a lot of space if you want to have different ones! afff...

Maybe i can go anytime to make some sales at Brick Lane market! lol

Decadance avec elegance.... thau!

Street Style that we love!!

Hello guys!!

For boys and girls...some of the most popular east London street styles around here! Dark colors with jeans it is a perfect combination anytime!

American style hat, jean vest, long sleeve shirt, faded black denim, and skate style training's. YOYOYO...hehe

What it is for sure a trend is the rock/punk influence on the street style. Specially with the Brazilian model living in London, Alice Dellal, who is in vogue after bringing back the shaved hair style recently! Yes she born in Brazil...a lot of people don't know!

Black top, black leather jacket, silver studded belt, jeans shorts a bit high waist, ripped black tights and buskin boots.
The jovial look of the shorts plus the aggressiveness of the black make a sort of "Kinder Whore" outfit, which we could see so many times on Britney Spears.... passing over the message "the little girl is not any longer innocent or virgin". It is a way to show up a kind of attitude ..."that kinda of attitude"....which we love it! lol

Check it out Alice Dellal during Patricia Vieira catwalk ( her auntie) in Copacabana Palace, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She for sure didn't complete forget the brazilian way of


Thursday 14 October 2010

A new Platform for the Fashion enthusiasts!

Hello guys! Let's talk serious....if you have a passion for fashion, like staying on top of fashion news, discussing latest trends or you are just looking for that uniquely styled garment, then this is the place to be.

Tellus Fashion is a new fashion website launched this week which intend to create a platform of discussion of any relevant part of the industry. The page has focus not just in the consumers and the well know designers but also in the new coming up professionals and in those people who are interested in showing up their work and portfolio. When you go on the Tellus Fashion, the page gives you a impression of a fashion's menu where you can instead of choose what you are going to eat, what you are going to wear or to buy!

If you are a designer and are interested in global sales and marketing opportunities or want to create and increase brand awareness Tellus Fashion gives you the best tips trough the testimonial of the designers who are in market and trough hot news and researches. Also we can give you assistance with pricing your collection!

To be able to make up a new concept of the fashion journalism, the website intend to be democratic not limiting its contents talking just about big brands also reporting the Fashion in all of parts of the world not just in Europe or America. So to collaborate with its contents, Tellus Fashion has a team of fashion writers and experts from different countries not just from UK giving the readers the opportunity to know what is going on in Japan, Brazil, Sweden, Italy, Mexico and many other places. And i feel glad to be part of the team being able to tell a bit of the Brazilian's designers and also about some new designers which i find really interesting.

If you are a fashion consumer we can help you to search for unique clothes and accessories which you wouldn't find in any corner!

Text elaborated by Fe Melo

Why sign up at TellusFashion?

For the consumers is a bit obviously... you will be able to check all the latest trends and news and .....

If you are a Designer:

TellusFashion is a platform that encourages fashion designers and consumers around the world to interact! For designer, up-and-coming or established, the website should be a tool to present your products to a global consumer base. It should help you achieve awareness of your work and ultimately be a platform for you to sell your items. TellusFashion welcomes all designers, from beginners to experienced, to register. Among a selection of things, you can, display and sell your clothes and fashion accessories and interact with other fashion interested people.

TellusFashion is a platform for designers and buyers a like to exhibit and trade. Sign up today – It is Free!

Text via

Check it out some of the new talented designers which are already there!!

Designer: Ceylan Insel Milano
Country: Italy
city: Milano

Designer: Ekaterina Kukhareva
City: London

Designer: Kamola
Country: UK
City: London

They are just some of the designers who are there showing their work. If you like it and want to get more information about their items visit