Friday 28 January 2011

Freddie Mercure Warehouse party is coller than you!!


Hi Lovely ones!

How is going your freak life???

Sorry for being away of the blog for a long know...holidays and staff...Berlin craziness..takes a bit of time to go back to the things and reality...i wish could be there forever!!

This time i want to tell you a bit of the coolness! The Shoreditch band which is cooler than get to know why!

In an unusual interview with Chaz John Ross i tried to understand what music is for the him !! And i went to his house just before his Warehouse party tomorrow to find out a bit more of the guys and what they are up to! The party promise to be dare as always...if you want to check it out ..come down around Hoxton street tomorrow and get yourself ready for a dirty fun and dress up atmosphere!

FF&PP: Let’s start with... what is the special twist about the coolness’ warehouse party in Shoreditch?

The main twist is that you get to see The Coolness perform!! Since last summer we've completely stopped playing in places like the Old Blue last and Barfly because of the
pretentious atmosphere that surrounds such places and it is not cool. There's only a few live other bands such fellow East Londoners Crystal Fighters which had enough fast and euphoric material to move a crowd in such an environment.
Also at Club Cool you won't hear the same genre of music all night like you would do in a lot of the minimal techno and dustup parties that use similar venues to us.

FF&PP: So how would you classify the coolness style?

We are an underground band and we always will be but we still use a pop song format as presentation. We use a lot of simple lyrics or arrangements, similar to dance music in our songs. I would say that is a mix of styles, mainly disco rhythms over a synthesised backing track. We have some cock-rock influence as most of the themes are sex and drugs based.
Basically we are a post-ironic mix of Early 90s pop-rave hit's and stadium rock theatrics and vocals.

FF&PP: In that case which bands and things are the influences and inspiration for the coolness?

The idea of something being described as having a certain amount of 'Coolness' factor stems from lack of inspiration.
I also enjoy some of the ideas that Beatles took onboard where each song was a story or evoked a certain image or character.
We are planning on releasing a record called 'Londonized' this year. It's about Cunts.

FF&PP: Talking about London life how do you see the music tendencies and trends around East London and Shoreditch at the present time?

It's gone a bit too high fashion to tell you the truth. Too many rich kids and business have moved into the area and the general sense of fun and DIY ethic seems to have been replaced by elitism and a basic self loathing and apathy.
If New Rave was Hair Metal then it's been killed by Drag which is the modern version of Grunge. All bullshit if you ask me!! There’s a lot of warehouse parties and house parties at the moment which is a reaction to this homogenisation .

FF&PP: So going to this parties and seen a lot of things why do you normaly like to write music about girls?

I have a slight sexual preference to females over males. I'm not interested to spend money so I have to make my own entertainment. Maybe each girl I've ever seduced is because I've crafted her own special song. I can't get laid unless I write a girl her own track. That is the deal!

FF&PP: All let’s get all what makes the coolness cooler than the others?

We are not cooler than any others. Why would I be in a band call 'The Coolness' if I actually cared about being cooler than anyone.
I should have called my band 'The Dickheads'. Recently we did consciously try to fuck with people heads by releasing a record that was titled 'IS' cooler than you. The Coolness is a living thing not a band. It's like saying a fish 'IS' fishier than you.

FF&PP: Going back to the beginning of the whole did the coolness start?

The name was actually thought up by an ex female lead singer 'Ms Texass' who now fronts a band called 'Unkindness of Ravens'.
She used to visit LA a lot and heard the term in the states. I guess we are part of the 'garage band revolution' - In the late 90s/early 00s the music software and computers became
affordable to home musicians/teenagers/upper working class people like myself. That's where most of sounds out there comes from . We are performers and songwriters above anything and we use programmes like logic and garage band to help us to produce, write and perform our material.

FF&PP: being one of this cool upper working class boy with a creative twist..when did you start being interested in music?

The day I was born John Lennon's 'Imagine' was number one in the UK singles chart. I come from a musical family and have been lucky enough to grow up around recording studios all of my life. My uncle did pop record in 1980s with the Fleetwood Mac producer
so I always knew about Atari STs and cubase and stuff. I actually thought all music was made on cubase/ataris and only listened to house until I watched The Beatles anthology
on TV during the Brit Pop era. I thought a guitar was something you'd overdub to make a track sound more interesting. Didn't even know what a band was for half of my life and know it is half of it and more...

To check it out the info of the party: get there early!!

For the band info check their myspace:

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